AAC Hockley Hard Red Spring Wheat
AAC Hockley is the new Canadian Western Red Spring wheat variety from FP Genetics.
Variety characteristics are quoted from the 2023 SaskSeed Guide:
- High-yielding wheat variety
- Semi-dwarf wheat with excellent standability
- Very good lodging resistance
- Moderately Resistant to FHB
Seed treatment options are available.
Call McDougall Acres to order your AAC Hockley spring wheat seed.
AAC Hockley Hard Red Spring Wheat
AAC Hockley, the Canadian Western Red Spring wheat variety from FP Genetics, stands out with its impressive features and genetic potential, proven to elevate your crop yields and grain quality.
AAC Hockley is characterized by consistently high yields, exceptional standability, and disease resistance against all priority one diseases, including the fusarium head blight (FHB). AAC Hockley's strong FHB resistance minimizes the accumulation of DON, ensuring that your grain remains of high quality and market value.
The following characteristics are quoted from 2023 SaskSeed Guide (comparison to the check variety AAC Brandon):
- Years Tested: Approximately 3 years
- Yield (%): 100% (Area 1 & 2), 105% (Area 3 & 4)
- Protein (%): +0.1% (AAC Brandon has 14.3% protein content)
- Lodging: VG (Very Good Resistance)
- Sprouting: G (Good Resistance)
- Stem Rust: MR (Moderate Resistance)
- Leaf Rust: R (Resistant)
- Stripe Rust: R (Resistant)
- Loose Smut: No specific rating given
- Bunt: R (Resistant)
- FHB (Fusarium Head Blight): MR (Moderate Resistance)
- Head Awnedness: Y (Yes)
- Stem Solidness: H (Hollow)
- Relative Maturity (days): 101
- Seed Weight (mg): -1.4 mg
- Volume Weight (kg/hL): +0.7 kg/hL
- Height (cm): Approximately +1 cm
Contact McDougall Acres to book your AAC Hockley hard red spring wheat seed today.