McDougall Acres Grainex

MA Grainex is a fourth-generation farm that has been in the family for over a century. We offer over 30 of the newest and best-performing varieties of Certified seed. We are an ingredient supplier for the pet food industry and we buy lentils, peas, chickpeas, and dry beans throughout the year. Lastly, we are a Canadian exporter of chickpeas to 30 different countries around the world. Check our Seed, Services and Buying Program to see how we can help you.

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mcdougall acres family farm

Century Family Farm

McDougall Acres recently celebrated officially becoming a Century Family Farm at the ISC celebration in the spring of 2019.

McDougall Acres is involved in Moose Jaw and Pasqua community life and supports local sport, environment and business projects.

Certified Seed

MA Grainex has one of the largest portfolios of certified seed in Saskatchewan. We offer over 30 varieties of wheat, durum, barley, oats, peas, lentils, chickpeas and flax. We choose our varieties based on our own growing experience and we are confident in their high performance.

Seed Treatment

Seed treating is done at C4 Seed Treating facility. They use the innovative treater USC LPV-2000 and provide high speed, precise application and complete coverage. Treating seed before planting reduces the environmental impact providing stronger and more vigorous plants.

Colour Sorting

MA Grainex provides an optical colour sorter service that will help you to upgrade your grain. Colour sorting will remove off-type seed and reduce seed with disease.

Buying Program

MA Grainex supply ingredients to the pet food industry as well as exports chickpeas across the world. We have a continuous demand for pulse crops: lentils, chickpeas, field peas and dry beans. We are able to help with marketing other commodities as well. If you are a grower looking to market your grain, learn more about our Buying Program and fill out the form. We will get back to you with pricing and marketing opportunities.

mcdougall acres buying program grain

Seed Portfolio

MA Grainex will help you to choose the best variety according to your farm needs. Our Seed Portfolio is regularly updated with new varieties added to it. 

At McDougall Acres Grainex, we have only the best for our customers! We use optical colour sorting, a highly accurate sorter that will help upgrade your seed quality. Colour sorting removes impurities, off-type seed, & seed with disease.

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Thank you to all those who stopped by our booth at the Western Canadian Crop Production Show! We loved having the opportunity to connect with new and existing customers!

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We have an APP! 📱

Find ‘ McDougall Acres’ in the App Store to keep you up-to-date on our current bids, export markets, and view your contracts.

Contact us today to get yourself signed up!

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